FREE Pitch Templates


Unsure of how to pitch the press or submit your work to a gallery? I’ve got you covered. Download this free PDF for two pitch templates written specifically for these two situations. On the last page of the guide, you’ll also learn six general tips for pitching that will help yours stand out and earn more positive responses!


  • 2 pitch templates for media features and proposing your art to a gallery

Get The Templates!

Unsure of how to pitch the press or submit your work to a gallery? I’ve got you covered. Download this free PDF for two pitch templates written specifically for these two situations. On the last page of the guide, you’ll also learn six general tips for pitching that will help yours stand out and earn more positive responses!


  • 2 pitch templates for media features and proposing your art to a gallery

Unsure of how to pitch the press or submit your work to a gallery? I’ve got you covered. Download this free PDF for two pitch templates written specifically for these two situations. On the last page of the guide, you’ll also learn six general tips for pitching that will help yours stand out and earn more positive responses!


  • 2 pitch templates for media features and proposing your art to a gallery

The Artist Writing Bundle
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Artist Website Workshop
The Artist Email Marketing Online Course
The Pitch Writing Guide
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